Your dog's language- CRY, SCREAMING OR YELPING |
The yelp is a scream that pushes the dog when for example it hurts.
This cry may be extremely loud!
Last summer my little Mia was walking in my backyard. She loves to run in the grass! Suddenly, she starts to SCREAM, CRY, YELP
really loud and nonstop ... quite disturbing for us human!
It was lmost a traumatic experience for me, when i heard that so little yorkie, cry and yelp so loud!
She screamed so loud that my neighbors came out to the balcony to see what happened!
I did not know what to do to calm my little yorkie at that point because i have no idea whay she was yelping so loud, so I rushed to the vet immediately. No choice, she cried non-stop!
Her cries grew when i was trying to touch one of her front legs ... is it a fracture?
I was very nervous for my little yorkie teacup mia... she's my little baby!!!
When we arrived at the clinic, the vet had to let me in right away, in emergency ... (she still barked constantly and so hard)
He took x-rays and fortunately no broken bones in sight ...
But what was wrong with my teacup yorkshire terrier female????
Finally , the vet realize that my little Mia was just stung by a wasp or a bee!
Her pain subsided thereafter with ice on the leg and a few anti-inflammatory!
