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NEW LITTER BORN March 08, 2014!
See photos of our last puppies at one month old!
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Pavlov technique and theory

This dog's training method is based on the technique used by Great Russian Scientist Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) while introducing the concept of 'conditioned reflexes'.

So around eighty years ago, Pavlov showed what happens when the right and wrong response begin to merge and become too similar.

He trained dogs to discriminate between a circle and an oval shape whereby one shape was punished, the other rewarded.

He then gradually merged the two shapes until the dogs could no longer discriminate between the two.

These events induced aggression and tension in some of the dogs; others responded randomly to all stimuli regardless of shape, and others just fell asleep. Most were unable to participate in the experiment any further.

When tou train your dog, you have to be clear. Constant confusion has that effect – it lowers the animal’s tendency to offer responses in the future.

As trainers, you have to be clear to reward the same response each time. Furthermore you need to ensure that the goals of each response are sufficiently different from each other.

good natural TREATS
  • Small pieces of dry liver (no1)
  • ( (Cook of the liver, then cut into small pieces and you'll kiln dried))
  • Small bites of cheese
  • Small bites of carott
  • Small bitees of their own regular food (if they are as hungry as my dogs, it will work perfecly)

  • To prevent your dog from gaining weight be sure to reduce his intake of daily food depending on how much treatd you have give him!

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